"Anchoring Your Retirement" Podcast Coming Soon!

When I Die Look Here First
Passwords, secrets, and things you never knew about me

Have you ever wanted one place where you can store passwords, important information (like contact information for doctors, insurance agents, and attorneys), and relay a bit of family history? This book will help you get your life in order…. well, not completely, but you will at least have a reference. This all-in-one guide will help you prepare for the inevitable and make it easier for your family and friends to carry out your wishes.

Author: Barbara Gulin

The Baby Boomer Dilemma
An expose of America’s retirement experiment.

The Baby Boomer Dilemma takes a deep dive into Pensions (both corporate and public), Social Security, 401(k), and Annuities. It features the nation’s top economists on retirement and retirement income that include Nobel Prize-winning economists, and world-renowned economists from MIT, Stanford, Wharton, Berkely, York, and BYU. Government leaders over trusts include Congressmen, Trustees, SEC whistle-blowers, the “Father of the 401(k)” and the 2019 President of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners as well as industry competitive intelligence experts and authors. This is the first MPA-rated film that looks at retirement income.